In The Social Contract, Jean-Jacques Rousseau presents a political philosophy based on the principle that legitimate authority originates from the consent of the people. Individuals willingly...
Lieutenant Jefferson Turck is a naval officer from Pan-America, the unified supercontinent and dominant world power of the 22nd Century. Though he is only twenty-one, he is greatly respected by...
A foundational text in empiricism and skepticism, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding comprehensively...
In The Pickwick Papers, the wealthy and amiable Mr. Pickwick and his friends—calling themselves the “Pickwick Club”—wander around England out of curiosity and an interest in human nature. On the...
Sir Colenso Ridgeon is a respected medical man who has developed a new cure for tuberculosis. His limited resources mean...
Twelve-year-old Laura and her three younger siblings live in rural Victoria, Australia. Their father has died, and...
Zuni Folktales is a collection of traditional stories from the Zuni, a Native American people who live in the American...